

The third edition of the Making Career Readiness Count report examines how states are measuring college and career readiness in their state and federal accountability systems. The report uses four categories of college and career readiness: Progress Toward Post-High School Credential; Co-Curricular Learning and Leadership Experiences; Assessment of Readiness; and Transitions Beyond High School. The

To&Through Project’s Data Insights

This presentation provides a collection of data insights that illuminate important discoveries about what fosters high school and college success.  The presentation provides information about Chicago Public Schools students and key actions Chicago school leaders took to improve students’ postsecondary preparation, transitions and success.

Making Good on the Promise: Building Trust to Promote Equity in CTE

This brief examines strategies that states are using to communicate the promise of CTE and gain buy-in from state agencies, communities, and stakeholders to promote equity in CTE. This brief was developed through the New Skills for Youth initiative, a partnership of the Council of Chief State School Officers, Advance CTE and Education Strategy Group,

Credential Currency How States Can Identify and Promote Credentials of Value

Credentials have currency in two primary ways: they (1) help an individual find employment or advance in the workforce and/or (2) accelerate a student’s progression into and through postsecondary education and training. It is critical that states place their greatest focus on the credentials that provide the greatest value to students and employers.  This report

Show Me the Data

This report provides helpful information about steps states can take to improve report cards so that they meet the needs of parents, communities, and legislators.  Report cards are one of the most powerful ways states can promote transparency, strengthen accountability, and ensure that everyone with a stake in education has access to the information they