
Fast Track FAFSA Completion

Informed by an analysis of state and local policies and practices from across the country, Fast Track FAFSA Completion provides a roadmap for states and local communities to dramatically increase the likelihood that students complete the FAFSA.

Making Good on the Promise

Advance CTE’s Making Good on the Promise: Ensuring Equitable Success through CTE, explores how states can use data-driven support systems to meet learners’ needs; provide integrated support services to secure wellness, academic preparation and financial stability; and create the enabling conditions for successful transitions. The report aims to provide a roadmap for states to learn

The State of Career Technical Education: Improving Data Quality and Effectiveness

The authorization of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) provides states an opportunity to improve their data systems and make more data-informed decisions. The State of Career Technical Education: Improving Data Quality and Effectiveness report is designed to serve as a roadmap for state policymakers as they redesign


The third edition of the Making Career Readiness Count report examines how states are measuring college and career readiness in their state and federal accountability systems. The report uses four categories of college and career readiness: Progress Toward Post-High School Credential; Co-Curricular Learning and Leadership Experiences; Assessment of Readiness; and Transitions Beyond High School. The

Taking Alignment to the Next Level: How K-12 and Higher Education Can Collaborate to Support Student Success

This report highlights bright spots across the country that have been successful in increasing the number of high school students prepared for and successfully transitioning to postsecondary education and training programs. This brief also provides high impact strategies to develop and scale solutions that can strengthen collaboration and alignment between the workforce, K–12, and higher

NCAN State Policy Toolkit

This policy toolkit provides examples of effective policies and programs to help state leaders and advocacy groups guide their state policy advocacy strategy. the tool kit provides a comprehensive roadmap for higher education funding and financial aid that expands college access for students who have been historically underrepresented in higher education.

To&Through Project’s Data Insights

This presentation provides a collection of data insights that illuminate important discoveries about what fosters high school and college success.  The presentation provides information about Chicago Public Schools students and key actions Chicago school leaders took to improve students’ postsecondary preparation, transitions and success.

FAFSA Success Guide

This report provides a roadmap to assist school leaders, school districts, and community partners in their efforts to raise FAFSA completion rates.