College in high school programs such as dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and early college high schools are popular and effective tools to improve college access and success. In 2019 alone, 18 governors discussed earning college credit prior to high school graduation in their “State of the State” addresses, and new laws passed in more than 16 states addressing some aspect of these programs. But equitable access to these programs has remained a challenge. Of the nearly two million students participating in college in high school programs, far too few are students of color or students from low-income families.
The College in High School Alliance (CHSA) and the Level Up coalition have published Unlocking Potential: A State Policy Roadmap for Equity and Quality in College in High School Programs. This resource can serve as a roadmap for states that want to design policy that drives meaningful change in access, equity, and quality for college in high school programs. The report also highlights examples from 28 states that have taken steps to build strong state policies.